Am I arrogant

A lot of my friends say that I’m arrogant and superficial. Personally, I think that’s a bit out of line! So what if I’m a guy who spends up to three hours a day at the gym? I like to look good when I go to the night clubs. Sure, I like to put excessive amounts of gel in my hair. I might be bald one day and then I’ll regret not making the most of my hair when I had it. I think the superficial comments rose to prominence about four weeks ago when my mates and I were out and I told them I’d like to become a male model. I’ve never seen them erupt into such a massive roar of laughter simultaneously. I’ve got a photoshoot booked for next week to get some professional headshots done for my modelling portfolio but I’m currently looking for the best dentist for teeth whitening. Cheltenham has some excellent places for getting sparkling white teeth. There’s no way I’m getting photos done and looking like I’ve got yellowed stained teeth. Not that they look like that right now, but there’s always work that can be done to improve oneself. Personally, I don’t have much more work to do so now I’m just doing some little enhancements to make me the best looking I possibly can. 

I never thought I’d say this but I’m looking forward to my appointment with the dentist. Cheltenham has the best dentist for teeth whitening. I’m also ramping up the amount that I go to the gym. With photos only a week away I want to make sure I’m in the best shape possible. I want to shake off any water weight and avoid looking bloated. It also means avoiding going for beers with the boys. I really can’t afford to have a carb load right now. I can tell my crew all think I’m nuts at the moment. They can laugh all they want at the moment, but I’ll get the last laugh when I’m getting cast in TV ads and films.