My twin sister is useless! I mean, not really – I’m told she’s very good at what she does (something to do with statistics). But when it comes to things like general life admin, she’s weirdly clueless. Like, today I went over to her house and it was a total ice box. I assumed she was just being energy efficient or trying to save a few coins, until she told me she really wanted to turn the heating on but didn’t know how.
Well, I had a look and it was pretty obvious that it wasn’t working. Instead of calling someone in to fix it, though, she’d just assumed that she was doing it wrong. This had, apparently, been the case for a month so. She said it had crossed her mind to get it looked at, that she didn’t know who to call. What? We live in the age of the internet, for crying out loud.
I then noticed a magnet on her fridge, which read ‘Gas Heating Repairs Canberra’ and clearly listed a phone number. “What do you think this is?” I asked. She said she’d known it was there but not quite made the connection. I can’t understand that level of vagueness. See, I’m the type of person who is quick to identify what needs to be done, and acts promptly in response.
I also tend to be one step ahead when it comes to things like this. It would be rare for me to have an appliance in need of a repair in the first place, because I’m forever having them serviced. I’m sure my sis thinks I’m as mad I as find her to be – I can’t picture her lining up an annual air conditioning service. Canberra gets hot in summer, and I don’t want to deal with a dodgy system come December.
I know I’m getting on my high horse a bit; it’s just that our differences really ruffle my feathers. Maybe I should focus more on what we have in common… for example, our mutual belief that the other is out of her mind.